Trial by Fury Page 26
“She must have been a character.”
“It still blows my mind sometimes,” Theo said. “You being the same girl I grew up with on TV. My very own Little CeCe.”
“Tell the truth, Theo. That’s the real reason you fell in love with me. Your dream-come-true girl crush.”
Theo laughed richly as she shook her head. “You really want the truth? I started falling way before that. A beautiful woman shows up in my office saying all the things I already believe. Raging at the machine. Ready to right somebody’s wrong. I was hopeless from that day on.”
Celia too had felt the attraction instantly. “You didn’t let on. I’d have gone home with you that night.”
“Yeah, we lost a few weeks because I was being careful. But I intend to make up for them. Just like I’m making up for the dinner we missed.”
As they looked over the menu, Celia stole a long, loving gaze. Even after months of knowing Theo intimately, she still was awed by the celebrity aura surrounding her. By her hypnotic blue eyes. By how she managed to come off as charming even when she was the most forceful, focused person in the room.
Their waiter, a soft-spoken twenty-something wearing a tuxedo shirt and vest, folded his hands formally at his waist. “Good evening. My name is Stewart. May I start you off with something from the bar?”
“Vadin-Plateau,” Theo answered without hesitation. “Chilled flutes, please.”
“Must be champagne,” Celia said after he’d left. “Are we celebrating?”
Theo held out a hand and interlaced their fingers. “Happy seven month anniversary, my love. I can honestly say they’ve been the best of my life.”
“You’re the best of my life. I mean that.” Theo’s capacity for love was greater than any she’d ever known. Unconditional, unwavering. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry it took me so long to come around to supporting you on the case. I was being selfish…worrying about my own hide. But I realized one of the reasons I love you so much is because you stand up for people. When I came home with that second recording, when I said I’d testify…God, I just felt so noble. Like I bet you feel all the time.”
“You are noble, Celia. I always knew that about you.”
It was a crystalizing moment for Celia, hearing not just I love you, but why. Theo brought out the best in her, the person she was meant to be.
“Ladies.” Stewart stood an ice bucket next to their table and presented the bottle to Theo for approval. After a pop, he offered a taste before pouring for both of them.
“To us,” Theo said, her eyes smiling as she raised her frosted flute.
“I love you, Theo.” Only at the last second did she drop her gaze to the champagne. There was something in the bottom of her glass. “What—”
“Is something wrong?”
“There’s…” She held it up to the dim light of a wall sconce several feet away. Bobbing gently amidst the bubbles was a ring. “Oh, my God.”
“Why, I believe there’s something in your drink. Let’s get that out of there.” Theo fished it out with a teaspoon, dipped it in her water glass and proceeded to dry it with her linen napkin. “Where on earth did this come from?”
Unable to speak even a word, Celia rested her left hand in Theo’s palm and gasped as the ring slid onto her finger. A platinum band with inlaid diamonds.
“When I was a kid, I used to dream I’d grow up someday and marry Little CeCe. That she’d fall so deeply in love with me, I would make her the happiest woman in the world. Will you make that dream come true for me?”
Bursting with joy, she began to nod. “Yes…yes, I will.”
Theo kissed her knuckles and let go so Celia could admire the ring.
“I thought I knew so much about you. I had no idea you were such a romantic.”
“I wasn’t…but I am now. I’m a lot of things I wasn’t before. Happy, settled. Secure in knowing you’re the woman I want to grow old with.”
On the verge of tears, Celia raised her glass. It didn’t feel right to toast the woman who’d brought them together, but she’d never forget Hayley, nor the battle Theo had waged to bring her justice. “I’m so glad I get to be here to watch you change the world, Theo. To winning.”
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